I know I haven't blogged in ages but I will now make up for it, starting with the most recent events and working my way back till it's all here. Mountain View is a nice place for it. Douwe had to come here again for Google and I came along, hoping to see a lot of friends. Don't expect any interesting pictures of sights: this trip is all work and socialising.
Annie was also here for Google and spent her last day with us before she had to fly back to Zurich. She picked us up from the airport and drove with us and Emil to Napa Valley for some wine tasting. Since I had hardly slept on the plane it was not easy to stay awake with the warm weather and the wine, but it was fun anyway - especially dinner.
The next day, we met up with Alice and Helios for a very nice brunch and a visit to the Mountain View Street Fair.
One major highlight of my stay: a hike with Heather (who is as energetic as ever: even though we went up some serious hills, it was really more of a run than a hike)
and her sweet dog Baxter (also still very fit - and curious).
Fun Chinese dinner with Max, Lu, Debby,
Steven, Steph and (not in the picture:) Amy, Andy, Mieke.
Wine tasting party at Walt's place in San Francisco. At first, Douwe seemed a little worried about our lack of wine knowledge
but got a lot more confident in his wine tasting skills as the evening wore on.
Next day: Meeting up with Lina, Steve and little Ned for brunch.
In Palo Alto with Steve, Amy and Ned at their beautiful home.
No pictures, but still totally worth mentioning: dinner with Abhideep, dinner with Russell, dinner with Heather and Jim in San Francisco, dinner with Nicole, Mike and their family at their home in Los Gatos, lunch with My in San Jose, dinner with Simone and Enrique, beer with Brian, Lisa and David. It was great to see all of you!